Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ah Pu Nei Nei

Old Navy t-shirt sis bought some time ago.
So cute.. hehe
What's with that pose? I saw some kids pose with their fingers like this too..
Cute pal
Love her!
Gisele trying out the new 3D TV. Cool.But i don't like. =p
Told her to stand there and pose with the monster behind cos i wanna distract her away from the glasses so i can try. Muahahaha...

Today when i knock off, i was heading to the bus stop to mum's place and it's raining cats and dogs as usual. I was opposite the bus stop and there's 2 zebra crossing to cross so i was waiting for the cars to clear before i dash across just went i saw my bus coming the 2 cars are nearby so i raised my hand and start running, both of them are like 1 bus stop away from me. The 1st car saw me and slowed down and eventually stop, thanks for that. The 2nd car didn't notice me at all and continue to speed, yeah, he did not slow down a single bit and almost go over my foot when i stopped in the middle of the rain to avoid be knocked down by him, that's was when he saw me and stopped, and my foot is like maybe less than 1 metre from his tyres. I almost wanted to flash him my fingers, such a dumbass.

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