Saturday, May 21, 2011

Use at your own risk

Stuff Sis bought from Mainland, i guess these stuff is non explosive, should be quite safe. Haha
Gisele displaying her ring and bracelet
Looking at her own blog which have more then 900posts already!! =D
Just a random picture of me and Bebe =)
Took these pictures while waiting for Hubby
Doing the raise eyebrow thing again... =S
Saw on the papers Picket & Rail is having sales so went down to have a look.
Passby AYAM brand so took a picture with their trademark rooster. Haha
Brought Gisele to the Dayroom for milk, we were in NUH visiting Hubby's grandma. She suffer stroke for the 3rd time, now in coma. Hope she'll wake up and recover soon. =(
After we left NUH, we took a cab to Holland V's CJ for late dinner. It's been a long time since we go HV already.. The flat that we thought of applying before is already occupied already.. Can't wait to move in to mine!!

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