Thursday, May 17, 2012

Here Kitty Kitty...

Gisele cooking for Yan Yan, too bad it's not edible or else Yan will be jumping up and down.. Haha
 Yan running away from the fake food. Haha 
 Yan: Not again..
 Making sure Yan see what she wants her to
 =( She scratched herself at ah ma house when moving toys.. Poor thing.
 Gisele's piece of art. There's a story, the 2nd person from the left, fell and drown himself. Haha.. 
 I told Gisele to pack her toys back, she did it straight away. =) So obedient.
She remember that whenever we dine here, the jie jie will give her free lollipop so she asked me why they didn't give her after the girl took our order and left. But she came back right after with a lollipop. =)
 Gisele says she wants the Kitty when she saw it on tv so i brought her to Mc Donald before bringing her back to Grandma house. =)
Kitty didn't survive more then 20 minutes, cos she was throwing it up and down after i took this picture. Haha....

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