Sunday, April 22, 2012

Secretaries' Week!

Present from my boss!! =)

Wow, Elizabeth Arden's lip glosses! But i hardly use lipstick don't even mention lip gloss. But still, i'm happy! =)

Hm.. About this shoe Gisele is wearing, it cost $59 so we kept asking her if it hurts or doesn't fit and she kept saying not pain. So i asked her to walk and run around the shop and she did. It do looks fine so i paid and we left. We enter the shop cos i wanted to buy a new pair of heels as my current one is very old and worn out but i did not see any i like but end up she did. Haha.. 
After we stepped out the shop i told her i want to go to the toilet so i hold her hand and head to the washroom but she kept saying "don't walk so fast" then i stopped and asked her why, cos i think maybe her shoe is a little big then she say no. So i continue to walk to the washroom and she said it again then i stopped again and took her shoe off and looked at her foot and saw it's a little red at the back of her foot so i brought the shoe back to do an exchange as there's no refund and i don't want to take the risk and change another design for her again and end up getting another pair that bites her so i decided to change into something for myself. I spent like 20minutes and finally found this! (below) Before i saw this, i thought of going with a close-up heels which i don't really really like and have to top up $20, but this only needs me to top up $10 and it looks sweet. So lucky to find this, it's located at the last shelf just above the ground at one corner which i didn't notice while we were in the shop for like 40minutes.. It's fate i guess. Haha
It makes me super tall. Haha!
This picture is taken by Gisele, she's trying to take a picture of the fishes.

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