Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Eeek! Get Lost!!

Hubby is not feeling too well, cough, sore throat, throat swelling. Poor thing.. In the evening, he was hungry so i went to cook some noodles for him and when i was able to get the pot guess what i see. I saw 2 tiny look-like hair thing coming out of the drainage hole below the stove (the one where water flow in when we swept the floor, its moving and the 1st thing i thought was Cockroach!! What's worst, insect is what i fear most.. So i quickly took the pesticide and spray generouslly at the hole, the CR disappear immediately. At least now i felt more ease, but who knows, when i'm cooking the noodles happily for 2minutes No.1 CR dash out and i scream!! Less than 5sec, No.2 CR followed out, i scream again and jump away.. They run so fast and in separate ways, hubby quickly dash out to see what happen and saw them running like there's a sales going on. He quickly took the dust pan and broom n smack them n swept and throw them away. But who know, while he's doing it No3 n 4 came too. Wa, i got nothing to say, that's too many already!!! So he kept spraying pesticide and chasing them and smack.. All my hair stands when i saw there's so many off them! In total, you know how many of them actually stay in that hole, at least 7!! That's insane! For the rest of the evening, i hop to the toilet in order to get back to the bedroom faster. Not only they are fast, they are fulll grown too! They can crawl up the wall, luckily not fly or i will die instantly!! I really hope they all die, i freaking hate insects!!

I remember hearing that they can even survive without their heads for 7 days. Why? They don't need that long life span what. Disgusting. If i manage to take a video last night, i guess all of you will jump. I hope i won't see them again tonight.. Yikes!

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