Saturday, March 20, 2010

Raining Non stop.. So cold..

Me not looking at the camera
Gisele not looking at the camera

Bought a new water Princess bottle to replace her broken Mickey Mouse, should have done so weeks ago but couldn't find a suitable one.. Finally, no worries of water leakage anymore! =) Bought Mustela Baby lotion for her too, i find that her legs a bit dry, $20+ a bottle, so expensive.. =p hehe.. Wanted to go Night Safari but it's a bit too late so we missed it, perhaps tomorrow. So we went to the National Library as i wanted to borrow some storybooks before we are leaving, Dear notice Gisele is feeling a bit warm and we quickly head home after buying panadol for her. Fed her with a bit of struggle, she seems fine, still active but a bit grumpy today. Get well soon baby.

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