Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baby lost!!

Enjoyed my meal at Pizza Hut, so fulfilling. :)
It's meant to look 3D, can you feel it? I can't..
Sharing every piece of the nuggets with Daddy, manage to snatch 1 piece only... =(
Daddy trying out all the new toys there, Gisele want a piece of it too..  I did tried on one of it too, so fun. =D
While we were at Giant and it's my turn to play the scooter, Hubby was looking after Gisele and i skate off and came 1 round back, he told me Gisele is missing.. I look around and couldn't see her and knew he's not joking and get off the scooter and walk around to look for her. after 1 or 2minutes we still can't find her, i start to panic and kept running around shouting for her, just when i was about to head back the spot we last saw her, i saw her standing a arm length away from me calling mummy, looking perfectly alright, just like nothing happened i ran to her a little angry and carry her up and went to find Hubby.

She wasn't wearing shoe at that time as she's was trying out the kid's shoes just before she went missing, so she was running around without shoes.. Gave me a shock, i'm so afraid someone would have kidnap her.. I scolded Hubby for losting her and he did get his retribution cos he fell down after that. haha.. poor thing.. =p

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