Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Miss Complain Queen vs Miss Sweetheart

She can be an angel and devil at times but either one she's still the princess in our heart.

Bro is having exam this week so i got to go back more often so Gisele won't disturb him while he study. So while i'm at home mum told me about a few incidents which make her felt touched. XD

Sweetheart Incidents #1

Gisele was standing outside my Bro's room wanting to go in (nobody inside) and the door is closed cos mum don't allow Gisele to go in as she likes to climb up Bro's bed and is dangerous so she always kept it closed. So she was asking my mum to open the door but mum didn't want to cos she was watching her favourite tv drama, and my little girl is those i want means i want so she kept asking and asking until she got fared up then dad came to her and ask why you want to go in, she said "我要拿枕头给阿妈" and my mum heard it of course and felt guilty. Haha.. She's such a sweetheart isn't it.. So Dad opened the door of course and she went in and took a pillow for my mum and told her to rest her head on it... She really knows how to buy your heart.. Haha..

Sweetheart Incidents #2

Second incident, Mum and Gisele was in NTUC one afternoon and they were at the fruits section. Gisele saw watermelons and told my mum to buy it. She said “阿妈买西瓜,公公喜欢吃西瓜。” So coincidentally my ex-schoolmate's mum is behind them and saw it and praise Gisele. It's really sweet of her. =D

Sweetheart Incidents #3

There was once when i'm around too, we went to Breadtalk to buy bread for Hubby and she went and grab a bottle of mineral water and says want to buy for 爸爸. Cos everytime if we goes to foodcourt, we will go to supermarket to buy mineral water after that so she always see hubby drinking mineral water.

See, she's such a sweetheart right.. =>

Complaint Queen #1

Yesterday we are in mum's room enjoying the aircon and watching tv then she suddenly went to the door and shout for my mum, this is their conversation while Gisele is in the room and mum is outside.

Gisele: 阿妈
Mum: 着什麽?
Gisele: 我要吃糖
Mum: 为什麽突然要吃糖?
(She's hasn't been asking for sweet for the past few days)

(She thought mum don't let her eat so she went to me and pout her mouth and says)
Gisele: 阿妈骂我

Complaint Queen #2

Gisele was lying on the sofa watching tv while i'm having my dinner peacefully, Bro came out from bath and sat beside her and pat her buttock lightly. She turned and say 不要打Baby屁股 my bro stopped and pat again then she scream 妈咪,你看!So i scolded my bro and she smiled at me. Haha.

Advice to you: Take note on your tone when you speak to her.

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